Nouvelles Du Monde

Pénurie de médicaments et collaboration entre pharmaciens et médecins pour trouver des alternatives

Pénurie de médicaments et collaboration entre pharmaciens et médecins pour trouver des alternatives

Amlodipine, Clozapine, antibiotics, these medications are rare and even unavailable in pharmacies. Since 2022, pharmacies have been facing various shortages of pharmaceutical products. To overcome this shortage, pharmacists and doctors work together to find the appropriate treatments to care for patients.

On the website of ANSM, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products, the list of “out of stock” or “under supply” medications is getting longer.

Facing this situation, ANSM has launched a “winter plan” aimed at limiting tensions on certain major pharmaceutical products. In Guadeloupe, pharmacies get their supplies from the three wholesalers (Sopharma, GPG, and Ubipharm) that share the market. But the Archipelago is not spared from this shortage, quite the opposite. Currently, pharmacists are facing difficulties in procuring amlodipine, Clozapine, and antibiotics.

To overcome this shortage, pharmacists are working in collaboration with doctors to adapt patients’ treatments. Another solution is to anticipate by ordering more.

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Marie-Claude Synésius, pharmacist and president of the Pharmacists’ Union of Guadeloupe.

However, it should be noted that since September 1, 2021, Decree No. 2021-349 has established the obligation for pharmaceutical companies to create a safety stock for all medicines intended for the national market. This is an effective way to prevent stock shortages of essential medicines marketed in the national territory.

Industrial companies must develop shortage management plans (PGP) for all major therapeutically interesting medicines. These PGP allow for preventing stock shortages and, in case of supply difficulties, to promptly provide solutions to ensure treatment continuity for the affected patients.

ANSM is the public actor that ensures access to health products in France on behalf of the State and ensures their safety throughout their life cycle.

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#Guadeloupe #touchée #par #une #pénurie #médicaments #Médecins #pharmaciens #travaillent #concert #pour #remédier
2023-10-20 00:00:01


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