Nouvelles Du Monde

Le Trifaka : un traitement révolutionnaire pour la fibrose kystique

Le Trifaka : un traitement révolutionnaire pour la fibrose kystique

Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of six months, Frédérick Gauthier was told by his parents that he only had a few years to live. At 46 years old, with 35% lung capacity, suffering from severe fatigue and experiencing frequent lung hemorrhages, he was declared disabled. Today, the resident of Longueuil is more energetic and healthier than ever thanks to a powerful ally: Trifaka.

In June 2021, Health Canada approved the sale of Trifaka. Unlike other treatments, it goes beyond alleviating symptoms and tackles the problem by targeting the genetic mutations responsible for cystic fibrosis.

For Frédérick Gauthier, who has been taking it for two years, “this medication is marvelous.”

“I have been sick my whole life, and now I am experiencing good health.”

-Frédérick Gauthier

Numerous Symptoms

Chronic asthma, lung infections, extreme fatigue; Mr. Gauthier was sick for a large part of his childhood. “I spent months in the hospital,” he says. “I missed a lot of school.”

In addition, he ate much more than children his age, yet remained thin. He experienced a growth delay, which faded around the age of 16.

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Adolescence gave him a break. “My body grew, but it seemed like the disease forgot to grow. My body became more resistant,” he emphasizes.

During this time, he participated in several sports, including tennis and martial arts.

Nevertheless, he always had to be cautious because of his asthma. And the disease caught up with him.

At the age of 24, he had a lung hemorrhage. Three weeks in the hospital. “Until 2021, I experienced many hemorrhages. In 2018, I had a major one, and they were going to put me on the lung transplant list,” he notes. “I was constantly tired, exhausted.”

Mr. Gauthier also emphasizes the inherent stress of his condition, a state that inhabited him for a long time.

“I saw myself wasting away. It’s like having the sword of Damocles hanging over your head. I sought solutions to reconcile my illness and my role as a father. I give everything for my children,” expresses this father of a daughter and a son.

Day and Night

Frédérick Gauthier started taking Trifaka in November 2021.

“Four hours after taking the first pill, I stopped coughing. Before, I coughed every two or four minutes,” he compares. “I coughed my whole life.”

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The next day, his lung capacity had increased by a few percentage points. It has now improved by 25%.

“After a day of work, I still have energy,” testifies Mr. Gauthier.

His children also notice the beneficial effects of the medication. “He coughs much less and has more energy,” says Léa-Rose.

“He has more energy for tickling!”, adds Alec. “He does a lot of things, he plays tennis, and he is my soccer coach. We win everything!”

Frédérick Gauthier has resumed training.

“I haven’t been completely restored; my body is still marked by the ravages. But my life expectancy has truly increased. I have a normal life with minor problems.”

-Frédérick Gauthier

Professionally, this criminal behavioral scientist – conducting research and analysis on criminal behavior exhibited at crime scenes – has always managed to hold positions where he was the boss.

He is currently working on the development of a software to facilitate the identification of school dropouts, starting from elementary school.

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“I am becoming more productive than before. And I discover that I can have greater aspirations,” he says.


The cost of Trifaka is very high: between $25,000 and $30,000 per year. With the Régie d’assurance-maladie du Québec, Mr. Gauthier only pays a hundred dollars per month.

Taking into consideration the financial assistance he receives due to his disability status, Mr. Gauthier feels indebted to society.

“We have a good system in Quebec. And if I can give back to society [including with his software on early school dropout detection], it will be my contribution.”


Since starting Trifaka, Frédérick Gauthier’s medication regimen has completely changed.

Before, he had to ingest enzymes (up to 30 tablets per day), energy supplements (Boost), a medication for sinuses, another for bones, calcium, two anti-inflammatories, and two asthma inhalers.

Now, only one anti-inflammatory is added to his two daily Trifaka tablets.

(Photos: Le Courrier du Sud – Ali Dostie)

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2023-09-08 14:00:36


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