Nouvelles Du Monde

Lutte contre la toxicomanie à Toulon : Paroles d’un spécialiste

Lutte contre la toxicomanie à Toulon : Paroles d’un spécialiste

Thierry Bergugnat is a specialist in addiction. He talks about it openly and with words that “speak” immediately to the teenagers and young adults he meets.

As an animator and trainer at the prevention service of the Toulon branch of the association Addictions France (a network that also includes doctors, psychologists…), he intervenes with minors as well as with military personnel and people in active life.

How to approach these complex issues related to addiction in Toulon?

It is always a sensitive subject, so I try to be actively listening. I adapt to the audience in front of me. It can be adolescents, military personnel on a mission here, or minors under the care of the justice system. The essential thing is to speak the truth and not hide anything.

In what context do these prevention missions take place?

Under agreements signed between the association and the national Defense, for example, when it comes to interventions within the train regiment in Ollioules, the national Navy, or at Canjuers. Every time, I remind them of what the law says and listen a lot. Without judging, but providing practical advice. An addiction medicine doctor or a psychologist can also intervene…

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Today, which drug is most prevalent in our region?

Undoubtedly cocaine. Its price has dropped and the quantities on the market are increasing. Cocaine is taking over many products currently. There is also the presence of crack in our territory and a new substance: the zombie drug.

It’s a mix of heroin or cocaine with fentanyl and PCP (phencyclidine). This cocktail is very dangerous and devastating. That’s what I repeat every time.

Are there other drugs in the Toulon metropolis?

Yes. Here, as elsewhere, opioids are causing damage. But I think the worst thing is the drug cross-over that is causing risks of death here. We talked about it with chemsex in the Palmade case. The offer is so widespread today that it is very difficult to combat these multi-markets that are developing.

Are minors also exposed?

Unfortunately, yes. We are currently witnessing a crazy increase in the trafficking of Puff cigarettes. This affects preteens and teens from 11 to 16 years old! It’s terrible for the children because the nicotine levels are high. For all substances, our region is the second most affected in France after the Paris region.

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What do you advise for people suffering from addiction(s)?

Addiction is a disease. As such, it should be treated. In the national network to which we belong, it is always possible for a person to present themselves directly. You just need to have a social security card. And be ready to be helped.

Learn more

The Toulon branch of the association Addictions France

8, rue Francis de Préssencé. 83000Toulon.

[email protected]

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