Nouvelles Du Monde

Vivo Energy Maroc décerne le prix de l’écocitoyenneté à une entreprise spécialisée dans la transformation des textiles en briques écologiques.

Vivo Energy Maroc décerne le prix de l’écocitoyenneté à une entreprise spécialisée dans la transformation des textiles en briques écologiques.

Vivo Energy Maroc, the company in charge of distributing and marketing Shell fuels and lubricants in Morocco, as well as Butagaz liquefied petroleum gas, awarded the citizenship prize to “Rebrick”, a Junior Enterprise specializing in the transformation of textiles into eco-friendly bricks that are both insulating and decorative.

In response to economic and ecological challenges, this innovative project was created by a group of students from Mohammed V University in Rabat, according to Vivo Energy Maroc.

The citizenship prize, awarded annually, is part of the “Company Program” of Injaz Al Maghrib, which mobilizes volunteer employees from Vivo Energy Maroc to support young students in their entrepreneurial projects and prepare them for the job market.

“Our partnership with INJAZ Al Maghrib contributes every year to supporting a large number of young students. It encourages and boosts entrepreneurial spirit among young people while promoting citizenship as a source of wealth creation. We were impressed by the innovative actions proposed, which are in line with our energy efficiency goals,” said Hind Mejjati Alami, Communications and CSR Director at Vivo Energy Maroc.

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With an ambitious business model, the winning company “Rebrick” offers its customers decorative and insulating bricks by valorizing used clothing and textile waste in general. It represents an innovative initiative in the context of sustainable waste management and reducing the environmental footprint of the textile industry. This innovative and responsible approach contributes to the preservation of our planet for a greener world.

Since 2009, the partnership between Vivo Energy Maroc and Injaz Al Maghrib has provided entrepreneurial training to over 20,000 students and the creation of 260 Junior Enterprises. “The Company Program is the foundation of our joint action with Vivo Energy Maroc.

It provides primary, middle, high school, and university students with access to well-established multidisciplinary expertise, such as that of the company’s employees.

According to Wafaa Guessous, CEO of Injaz Al Maghrib, “This allows them to learn through action, through case studies, role-playing, team work sessions, how to build and successfully carry out a professional project.”

The citizenship prize confirms Vivo Energy Maroc’s commitment to education and the environment, which are fundamental aspects of its corporate citizenship. Through the development of a wide range of educational programs and the promotion of innovation among Moroccan youth, the company contributes to the promotion of entrepreneurship and education.

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The company also supports a significant number of programs to combat school dropout and social exclusion. Responsible and committed, Vivo Energy Maroc will continue to develop citizen actions and projects based on the three main pillars of its ESG policy: Education, Road Safety, and Environmental Preservation.

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