Nouvelles Du Monde

Trois candidats en lice pour la présidence du Medef.

Trois candidats en lice pour la présidence du Medef.

Dominique Carlac’h, Patrick Martin, and Pierre Brajeux have gathered the required 150 sponsorships.


Published on 05/05/2023 at 6:55 pm updated on 05/05/2023 at 6:55 pm

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Dominique Carlac’h. ÉRIC PIERMONT/AFP

It will be necessary to wait until Tuesday, May 9, for the statutory and ethical council of the Medef to officially validate their candidacy, but according to all likelihood, three bosses will be on the starting line for the succession of Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux at the head of the employers’ organization. Three out of the five who declared themselves since the opening of the applications in early March.

Olivier Klotz did not wait for May 5th, and withdrew in April in favor of Pierre Brajeux. The surprise candidate, Guillaume Cairou, president of the chamber of commerce and industry of Yvelines, who only declared himself in mid-April, has collected only 80 sponsorships out of the expected 150.

Natural successor

A threshold largely exceeded by Dominique Carlac’h, vice-president, and spokesperson of the Medef, who has collected 345 signatures, and by Patrick Martin, delegated president of the employers’ organization, who – without revealing the exact number of his supporters – would count around 400 sponsorships. Pierre Brajeux, the delegated president of the French Federation of Private Security, on his part, would enter the race with a little over 150 supporters.

The campaign is now officially beginning and will last until July 6, not without reminding of the previous election of 2018 where the current candidates were already running. They will have two months to win the votes of the 1,100 delegates from professional and territorial organizations. Already, Dominique Carlac’h has called on her rivals to organize a debate, while many imagine that the election is already played, Patrick Martin appearing as the natural successor to the current boss of the bosses.

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