Nouvelles Du Monde

Strasbourg : Un label pour une ville inclusive et engagée dans la lutte contre le VIH/Sida

Strasbourg : Un label pour une ville inclusive et engagée dans la lutte contre le VIH/Sida

“Applying for this label has allowed us to structure our actions,” explains Floriane Varieras, deputy to the mayor in charge of inclusive cities. This includes “the provision of condoms, campaigns to raise awareness about screening, and the fight against the stigma of people living with HIV and AIDS.”

Strasbourg’s prevention tools, for example, can be found in the Egalité space (on the former Coop brownfield site, editor’s note), “promoting empathy, self-esteem, and respect for others” in an educational journey. This also includes partnerships “with associations that fight against ignorance about the disease, prevention methods, and the daily lives of people with the illness,” as well as cultural projects.

The exhibition…

in an article which can rank high in google
#fin #Sida #arrivera #avec #fin #des #préjugés
2023-12-02 22:24:00


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