Nouvelles Du Monde

Outpost 22 Saison 11, Épisode 21

Outpost 22 Saison 11, Épisode 21

Maggie marche stupéfaite à travers une forêt clairsemée.

Photo: Jace Downs/AMC

Eh bien, ça a pris du temps, mais Les morts qui marchent semble être sur la bonne voie. Dans l’épisode de ce soir, jet choo-choo-choisit rassembler ses personnages (enfin, la plupart d’entre eux) pour un seul, intrigue cohérente qui conduira directement au conflit final avec le Commonwealth. On pourrait même dire que le spectacle tourne à plein régime vers la fin. Ai-je mentionné qu’un train était dans cet épisode?

Image pour l'article intitulé The Walking Dead forme sa vue sur la fin

Toute cette positivité mise à part, si vous regardez les scènes individuelles de “Outpost 22”, c’est une sorte de gâchis. Il y a beaucoup de poids mort (pas un jeu de mots zombie, croyez-le ou non), et très peu de l’épisode a ces enjeux susmentionnés pendant son exécution. Après que tout le monde ait été capturé et expédié hors du Commonwealth La semaine dernière, Maggie, Rosita et Gabriel – qui sont utilement séparés de tout le monde dans le bus et gardés uniquement par un Commontrooper endormi – parviennent facilement à s’échapper. Ils se séparent, mais ce n’est pas grave, car ils se retrouvent rapidement sans incident significatif. Et Carol et Daryl se présentent aussi !

Tous ceux qui restent sur le convoi sont emmenés soit dans un camp de prisonniers, comme Ezekiel, Carrie et Negan, soit dans l’avant-poste titulaire et mystérieux 22. Les scènes du camp de prisonniers sont principalement là pour remplir; on dit aux “exilés” qu’ils ne peuvent pas utiliser de noms, certains personnages aléatoires que nous n’avons jamais vus tentent de s’échapper et se font tirer dessus, de la bouillie est servie. Mais il y a une exception ici, et c’est quand Negan s’assied à côté d’Ezekiel, et ils discutent.

Image pour l'article intitulé The Walking Dead forme sa vue sur la fin

Photo: Jace Downs/AMC

It seems absolutely impossible to me that the two characters have never shared a scene together, at least since Negan was imprisoned, but that’s how it’s played—and for the life of me, I can’t remember any others. At any rate, it turns out Ezekiel has purposefully avoided Negan in fiction and on the show because he’s still completely furious at everything he did to the Kingdom and its people. But Negan is so desperate to escape and rescue his wife Annie, he asks Ezekiel to lead a “hope”-inspired mass uprising of the prisoners, something he cannot do. Negan can, however, be the “spark” that ignites that hope, which will likely end up with him being savagely beaten. It should go without saying this is saved for a later episode.

Meanwhile, Daryl, Carol, Maggie, Rosita, and Gabriel follow the train, discover Connie’s been put on it, and follow it some more. It takes some time, but it poses an interesting dilemma: If they rescue Connie, the Commontroopers on board will radio ahead to Outpost 22, whose soldiers might hurt the children and anyone else who’s been sent there. It’s a quandary, one that they solve by just… attacking the train and rescuing her anyway. It’s stealthy at first and then turns into a major gunfight, but luckily, uh, none of the guards ever think to radio in. One of the Commontroopers even gets away on a bike which, I shit you not, he crashes into a tree off-screen, allowing Daryl to do a sick slide under a half-fallen tree and into the dude’s legs. 

Image for article titled The Walking Dead Trains Its Sight on the End

Photo: Jace Downs/AMC

So, yeah, despite The Walking Dead’s insistence to the contrary, the whole train/Connie situation isn’t an actual dilemma, and we know this because that evening, Rosita radios into Outpost 22 to ask for directions by saying she’s a Commonwealth trooper who was on the train when it was attacked. I imagine all the guards there will helpfully forget to do anything in retaliation. There, by the way, is the Commonwealth-conquered Alexandria, meaning when the five attack, they’re going to have home-field advantage. And once their people are free, they’re going to take the fight right to Pamela.

For a season that has so severely separated its characters, and for a glut of episodes where everyone seemed to be working at cross-purposes, giving five core characters a very clear set of stakes—return to Alexandria, save their people, then fuck Pam’s shit up—is pretty satisfying, even if we’ll have to wait until the final three episodes for it all to take place. But “Outpost 22” had other charms! Maggie’s freak-out when being forced to kill the little boy zombie, Gabriel praying with the dying Commontrooper instead of brutally finishing the job himself, the Negan-Ezekiel scene—there were good moments in there amidst the plethora of busy work. 

Maybe that’s all we’re going to get for the remaining three episodes: a clear conflict, a few good moments, and some more busy work. It’s a shame for a series that used to be bigger than professional football, but it’s hardly surprising at this. “The end of each story is important,” Carol tells Maggie at one point. She’s right, of course. But clearly “important” doesn’t necessarily mean “exciting.”

Image for article titled The Walking Dead Trains Its Sight on the End

Photo: Jace Downs/AMC

Assorted Musings:

  • Seriously, I was shocked when Gabriel didn’t murder that guy who asked him to pray with him. This sort of sums up most of my problems with The Walking Dead over the years, I think.
  • Why did the Commontroopers put bags over everyone’s heads when 1) they were already drugged and 2) could pull them off themselves the minute they regained consciousness? 
  • Whoever was in charge of making it look like Maggie stabbed that kid in the head blew it. It’s so clearly under his neck.
  • Between the motorcycle and the jeep from l’autre semaineles Commontroopers peuvent conduire aussi bien que les Stormtroopers peuvent tirer.

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