Nouvelles Du Monde

L’huile de cameline : une championne des omégas 3 pour la santé et la beauté

L’huile de cameline : une championne des omégas 3 pour la santé et la beauté

Champion of vegetable oils due to its omega-3 content, camelina oil has numerous health benefits. It can be used both orally, raw, in cooking, and externally for the skin and hair.


What is camelina oil?
Camelina oil is an ancient plant from the Brassicaceae family, like rapeseed. It was traditionally used as animal feed in Asia and for livestock in France and Germany. It is a robust plant. Camelina oil is characterized by its high content of saturated fatty acids and especially omega-3, with an average of 40%. However, it is more delicate than flaxseed oil and has a shelf life of 6 months once opened.

What are the benefits of camelina oil?
Camelina oil has various health benefits. It can be used both orally and topically for the production of cosmetics in synergy with other oils such as jojoba or argan. It helps maintain and preserve the health of the nervous system. Regular consumption ensures a good emotional and mental balance, as well as physical well-being. It is also known to prevent cardiovascular disorders and help fight against stress and anxiety. It is particularly recommended in salads for its sesame and asparagus flavors.

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Camelina oil for hair:
Due to its content of vitamins A and E, camelina oil is an excellent antioxidant. It is particularly suitable for hair care as a hair mask to leave on for about ten minutes. It makes hair shinier and more flexible.

Camelina oil for skin:
Camelina oil is beneficial for the skin in skincare routines. Thanks to its antioxidants, it helps relieve skin inflammations. It has a pleasant texture, a fresh touch, it nourishes the skin, and is easily absorbed. It can be used alone or in combination with other vegetable oils for daily facial care, suitable for mature, atopic, dry, combination, or oily skin. It also has anti-aging properties, which is why it is popular among women.

Are there any dangers?
Camelina oil should not be cooked, as it can generate highly carcinogenic hydrocarbons. It does not present any identifiable dangers or allergenic potential, both when consumed and when used in cooking. However, its fragility remains a negative point.

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Is it bad for the intestines?
On the contrary, camelina oil is beneficial for intestinal health. Thanks to its regulating properties, it prevents intestinal disorders and fights against constipation and digestive pathologies related to stress.

How to use camelina oil:
Camelina oil can be used raw in salads as a dressing. It is not too intense in flavor and can replace sesame or walnut oils for those who are allergic. For skincare, a few drops can be applied and massaged until the oil is absorbed. For hair, one tablespoon of oil is enough to make a mask.

Where to buy and price of camelina oil:
Camelina oil can be found in organic stores, both in the cosmetics and cooking sections. The quality may vary, so caution is advised. A low-end organic camelina oil will cost around 5 euros for 100 ml, while a high-end oil with real nutritional benefits will cost around 10 euros for 30 ml.

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Thanks to Jody Elleaume, herbalist and director of a naturopathy training organization, member of the SPN (Syndicat des Professionnels de la Naturopathie) for their contribution.
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