Nouvelles Du Monde

Les engagements de Roularta Media Group concernant l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle générative dans les rédactions.

Les engagements de Roularta Media Group concernant l’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle générative dans les rédactions.

Our commitments regarding the use of generative artificial intelligence in RMG publications.

Artificial intelligence has already been used in our publications as an automation tool (machine learning, recommendations, targeting, etc.), but it has recently reached a new level with the emergence of generative artificial intelligence models (GAI). This is a major technological breakthrough, both in terms of the sectors it will impact and the speed of its adoption by professionals and the general public.

This technological evolution offers numerous opportunities and raises many ethical questions, particularly regarding its use in journalism. It is therefore necessary for us to define as precisely as possible the framework within which these technologies should or should not be used in the editorial offices of Roularta Media Group.

Remaining faithful to the trust relationship we have with our readers, we have chosen to publish these principles. We also encourage our readers to share their questions and comments with us, which we will treat with the utmost attention. To do so, you can send an email to the relevant editor.

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All our editorial publications are synonymous with quality, reliable, and relevant information. Maintaining this position is essential to ensure the accuracy of the information and must remain our compass. It is the quality of our journalists’ work, their ability to find unique angles, decode current events, and provide editorial added value that contributes to the success of our brands.

Aware that the fields of application for AI will continue to expand and that its importance will grow over time, we will update and clarify our position based on the ethical charters and practices applicable to the various publications within our group.

Our commitments cover two categories of AI usage:

Use of text generators

We do not intend to publish editorial content generated entirely or partly by AI without editorial and human supervision. However, we reserve the right to do so for illustrative purposes (for example, in the context of a ChatGPT study). In such cases, we will explicitly indicate the origin of the content. We also reserve the right to use AI tools for the synthesis of original articles produced by a journalist.

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We also reserve the right to use AI as an enrichment, research, or synthesis tool to assist and enhance the work of journalists. Journalists may use these tools as a search engine, for example, but they must always return to their own sources to ensure the origin of their information.

Use of sound, image, or video generators

We do not intend to publish exclusively AI-generated images or videos without editorial and human supervision. Like any editorial content, we want to guard against any risk of error or copyright infringement.

Vocal AI will only be used within the context of a journalistic article.

We will make an exception if AI-generated images are used to illustrate articles about AI, or if the illustrator uses AI in their creative process. In any case, we will ensure that the source is explicitly indicated to the reader.

However, similar to texts, we can use AI as a tool to summarize videos, particularly to facilitate their distribution on various platforms.

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dans un article susceptible de se classer en tête sur Google.
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