Nouvelles Du Monde

La Vengeance de Cendrillon – Le conte de fées revisité du point de vue de l’horreur

La Vengeance de Cendrillon – Le conte de fées revisité du point de vue de l’horreur

Walt Disney must be having nightmares in his grave. One after the other, his most emblematic characters leave their fairy-tale and magical universe to sink into horror. After Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan, Bambi, Mickey, and Sleeping Beauty, it’s Cinderella’s turn to reject any form of kindness to become an insatiable bloodthirsty killer.

Tortured and whipped by her stepmother for the greatest pleasure of her stepsisters, thanks to the help and mask of her “good” fairy godmother, Cinderella is now able to take her revenge. And she won’t miss the chance. “It’s not a fairy tale,” says the trailer. An understatement. Heads will be smashed like pumpkins, blood will flow, and the glass slipper will turn out to be surprisingly deadly.

“It’s a real, physical, violent revenge,” explains the director Andy Edwards to Entertainment Weekly. Who wanted to respect the story… at first. “There’s Cinderella, the evil stepmother, the two demoniac stepsisters, and they’re pretty mean to her. But then there are some changes and surprises. With sex, violence, things you wouldn’t expect. So, it’s for all tastes.” Especially the most macabre ones.

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As for the casting, while Lauren Staerck will play the main role in this highly anticipated production in April at the cinema, film buffs will be especially drawn to the fairy godmother, played by Natasha Henstridge. The star of Species is playing a very Californian blonde in infamy and should bring some irony to the whole thing.

Not sure Disney will appreciate it.

Lauren Staerck et Natasha Henstridge dans La Vengeance de Cendrillon. ©DR

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