Nouvelles Du Monde

Denny Caknan et Bella Bonita organisent un Mitoni à sept mois de grossesse : Apprendre à connaître la tradition mitoni

Denny Caknan et Bella Bonita organisent un Mitoni à sept mois de grossesse : Apprendre à connaître la tradition mitoni

Jakarta, Insertlive

Denny Caknan and his wife, Bella Bonita, held a mitoni event on Friday (22/12). Bella is currently seven months pregnant.

The moment they underwent the mitoni was uploaded on their personal Instagram. Singer of the song Promesse Kartonyono Medot wore Javanese clothes, as did Bella Bonita.

Learning about the Mitoni tradition

Mitoni refers to a term used to describe one of the traditional ceremonial traditions for pregnant women in Javanese culture.

Mitoni is a traditional life cycle ceremony, which is still often found in Javanese society, namely the salute when the fetus is seven months in the womb. It is known that the tradition of celebrating 7 months of pregnancy has long existed in Java and there are also different terms to refer to this traditional ceremony.

In Central Java, such as Solo residence, the seven monthly ceremonies are known as “mitoni”, then in East Java, the traditional seven-month ceremonies are better known as “tingkeban” tradition. This is different from the Madurese people who call it “palet kandhungan” and a similar tradition known in West Java is called “nujuh-bulan”.

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The mitoni tradition is performed to ask for the safety of the expectant mother and her baby, especially by saying prayers for a smooth delivery process and for the newborn to become a noble person in the future.

There are several main processions during the Mitoni ceremony, the first of which is the shower during the day, as it is believed to be the time when the angels come down from heaven to bathe. The second is the brojolan procession, which involves inserting an egg into the expectant mother’s finger, followed by the cutting of the letrek cord as a symbol of the opening of the genital canal.

After that, a pair of young ivory coconuts (cengkir ivory) will be inserted into the sheath above the mother’s belly. After that, there will be a procession of changing clothes seven times, during which the expectant mother will be dressed in a kemben or jarik fabric with seven different patterns by the elders.

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Only once all the processes are completed will the Mitoni event be concluded by the sale of rujak and a meal together. This tradition has been passed down through generations, especially on the island of Java. As a cultured society that respects our ancestors, we must preserve these traditions by implementing them in our lives.

(Yeah Yeah)

Regardez également la vidéo suivante :

#Apprenez #connaître #tradition #Mitoni #tenue #par #Denny #Caknan #Bella #Bonita


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