Nouvelles Du Monde

Redwire remporte un contrat pour fournir l’ordinateur de bord de la mission Comet Interceptor de l’ESA

Redwire remporte un contrat pour fournir l’ordinateur de bord de la mission Comet Interceptor de l’ESA

Redwire Corporation (NYSE: RDW), a leading space infrastructure provider for the next-generation space economy, has announced that it has won a contract with OHB Italy S.p.A. (OHB Italy) to provide the onboard computer for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Comet Interceptor mission during the implementation phase (C/D/E1). Comet Interceptor will be the first spacecraft to visit a dynamically young long-period comet or interstellar object.

Redwire Space NV, a wholly-owned Belgian subsidiary of Redwire, will develop the onboard computer for the Comet Interceptor mission, which will serve as the “brain” of the spacecraft and will be used to monitor and control other components, including ensuring the transmission of critical data to ground operators. The embedded computer is part of Redwire’s third-generation advanced data and power management system.

“We are proud to collaborate with OHB Italy and ESA to provide the groundbreaking Comet Interceptor mission with crucial technology to deepen our understanding of the solar system,” said Erik Masure, President of Redwire Space Europe. “Redwire Space Europe’s advanced and proven satellite technology continues to enable Europe’s most ambitious space missions.”

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“OHB Italy sees Redwire as a reliable potential partner for future missions and believes that this collaboration with Redwire – both for the Comet Interceptor mission and other activities – will be fruitful,” said a representative from OHB Italy.

Through its expanding global operations, Redwire is proud to support various exciting ESA projects, including the Cheops exoplanet survey mission, the first precision formation flying satellite demonstration (Proba-3), Euclid, which will produce the largest and most accurate 3D map of the universe ever created, the international docking and berthing mechanism for the lunar gateway, the Altius ozone observation mission, and the Hera mission to study the binary asteroid system Didymos, which is related to NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission.

About Redwire Corporation (NYSE: RDW):

Redwire Corporation (NYSE: RDW) is a global leader in critical space solutions and high-reliability components for the next-generation space economy. It has valuable intellectual property assets for space-based solar power production, in-space additive manufacturing and 3D printing, space avionics, critical components, sensors, digital engineering, and space-based biotechnology. With decades of flight heritage combined with a culture of agile and innovative problem-solving, Redwire’s “Heritage Plus Innovation” strategy enables it to deliver proven performance and innovative capabilities to its customers for today’s and tomorrow’s space infrastructure needs. For more information, please visit

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this press release do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.

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#Redwire #remporte #contrat #pour #fournir #lordinateur #bord #mission #Comet #Interceptor #lESA #portant #sur #létude #dune #comète #vierge #octobre
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