Nouvelles Du Monde

Suspension prolongée des vols d’Air France vers le Mali et le Burkina Faso, avec des vols vers le Niger suspendus indéfiniment

Suspension prolongée des vols d’Air France vers le Mali et le Burkina Faso, avec des vols vers le Niger suspendus indéfiniment

Air France has extended “until August 31 inclusive” the suspension of its flights to and from Mali and Burkina Faso, with flights to Niger remaining suspended “until further notice”, according to the company.

The French company, the main airline between Europe and Africa, had suspended its flights to Bamako (seven flights per week), Ouagadougou (five flights per week) and Niamey (four flights per week) on August 7 following the closure of the neighboring Niger’s airspace, which experienced a coup d’état on July 26. On August 11, Air France had already extended these connections until Friday “following the coup d’état in Niger and due to the geopolitical situation in the Sahel region”.

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In retaliation, the authorities of Mali, whose military leaders have shown solidarity with the Nigerien coup plotters, have canceled Air France’s authorization to operate between Paris and Bamako, citing a “notorious breach” of the terms of its operating authorization. This cancellation is valid for the entire summer season, which extends until October.

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“Your time slot could be granted to another company that requests it,” states the Niger Civil Aviation Authority in a letter to the company. They request that the company submit a new flight schedule before resuming its service.

Relations between France, the former colonial power engaged militarily alongside the Malian army against jihadists since 2013, and Mali have deteriorated since colonels took power by force in Bamako in August 2020. The junta pushed French forces to leave in 2022 and turned politically and militarily towards Russia. It expelled the French ambassador. France and Mali have suspended this week their reciprocal visa issuance by their consular services in Bamako and Paris.

Le Monde with AFP

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#suspension #des #vols #dAir #France #vers #Sahel #est #prolongée


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