Nouvelles Du Monde

Nouvelle fuite de données : 100 millions de mots de passe compromis !

Nouvelle fuite de données : 100 millions de mots de passe compromis !

Troy Hunt is the boss of the “Have I Been Pwned?” website, whose goal is to allow people to find out if their personal data has been compromised. And he is warning of a new data leak involving 100 million passwords.

In his blog on data protection, Troy Hunt shared one of his most recent discoveries: the existence of a database named Naz.API which contained 70 million email addresses and 100 million leaked passwords on the web. An impressive quantity that must be tempered on one point, and one point only: two-thirds of this database had already leaked previously, which means that there are actually only about 33 million of these passwords that are new data not yet available to hackers, which is not insignificant either.

Even though he is a specialist in the field, Troy Hunt still found one of his own passwords, ten years old, in this database that had managed to escape the attention of both specialists and companies and platforms for no less than four months, before a post on a hacking forum was reported to him by a tech company that had been confronted with hackers using the said database.

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The best way to find out if, yes or no, you have been a victim of this leak and if one of your passwords is in the wild is to go to Troy Hunt’s website, Have I Been Pwned and enter your email address to check if, yes or no, your data has been leaked.

If Troy Hunt was not able to verify the legitimacy of all the passwords in this huge database (for obvious ethical reasons), there is at least one thing he was able to verify: the email addresses were perfectly legitimate, which seems to confirm the reality of the database, and therefore to be all the more worrying. And since Troy managed to find one of his own passwords, it is certain that at least some of the other passwords on the list are genuine.

One more reason to be cautious when browsing, in a time when hackers are everywhere and yet, most of the common passwords (123456, azerty, etc.) can be hacked in less than a second.

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