Nouvelles Du Monde

Mohamed Henni explicite la raison de son silence sur les réseaux sociaux

Mohamed Henni explicite la raison de son silence sur les réseaux sociaux


FranceMohamed Henni explique la triste raison de son silence

The prolonged absence of the video blogger from social media has caused concern among many fans. The thirty-year-old reassured everyone by reappearing.

Mohamed Henni, who has millions of followers on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram, has been absent from social media for several days. A long silence, unusual for the video blogger and Olympique de Marseille fan, has worried more than one person, including rapper Mister You.

“It’s been almost a week since we’ve heard anything. I hope from the bottom of my heart that nothing serious has happened to him. I tried to contact him, but I haven’t had a response from him, which is not like him,” the artist posted on X on December 18, 2023.

“Some people said I was dead”

A few hours later, Mohamed Henni finally reappeared. It was with stories that the thirty-year-old explained the reason for his absence from the Internet. “I didn’t want to do it, but I’m going to react to my absence over the past few days. I saw a lot of people worrying, with theories going in all directions. There are people who said I was dead, others that I had been stabbed. To those who thought the worst, sorry guys, the goal wasn’t to worry you,” he first said.

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The Franco-Algerian then explained that his mother was unwell. “There is a family member who is seriously ill, and it’s the most precious person to me, my mother. I learned this news in one go, it was a shock. When it happens to you, you put down your phone, you stay with your loved ones, you do what you can, and you are there. Now, we will fight. We do everything to fight, even against illness,” he explained.

(It’s okay)

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