Nouvelles Du Monde

Les vaccins bivalents augmentent le risque d’infection du SARS-CoV-2 : une étude de la clinique de Cleveland confirme les propos de Jean-Marc Sabatier.

Les vaccins bivalents augmentent le risque d’infection du SARS-CoV-2 : une étude de la clinique de Cleveland confirme les propos de Jean-Marc Sabatier.

Depuis de nombreuses années, les vaccins sont utilisés dans le monde entier pour prévenir la propagation de maladies infectieuses. Bien que leur efficacité soit largement reconnue, certains effets secondaires peuvent survenir chez certaines personnes en raison de ces vaccins. Les rappels vaccinaux, en particulier, ont été associés à de nombreux effets pervers. Dans cet article, nous examinerons les effets pervers qui peuvent survenir à la suite de rappels vaccinaux et discuterons de la manière dont les professionnels de la santé peuvent minimiser ces risques tout en veillant à la protection de la santé publique.

A recent study by the Cleveland Clinic aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of bivalent vaccines in protecting against Covid-19 confirms what Jean-Marc Sabatier said in his August 2021 article titled “The Dangers of the Third Dose.” The study looked at 51,011 employees of the clinic who were observed for 13 weeks after vaccination. The researchers found that natural immunity and immunity induced by vaccination both protect against Covid-19, but that both forms of immunity decline over time. The study also found that the arrival of the Omicron variant in December 2021 significantly changed the landscape of immune protection. The more vaccine doses an individual receives, the higher the risk of contracting the virus and Covid-19, according to the researchers. The study produced a graph that supported these findings. The study also discussed the existence of “facilitating” antibodies that facilitate infection rather than combat it, which Sabatier had previously discussed. Sabatier had identified three types of antibodies produced by current Covid-19 vaccines, including the “facilitating” antibodies. The study found that multiple vaccine boosters increased the proportion of “facilitating” antibodies, leading to an effect opposite to that intended. The study highlights the potential harm of vaccine boosters and the need for more research before recommending them.


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