Nouvelles Du Monde

Lancement de la CPTS Ondaine-Forez et objectifs de santé pour le territoire

Lancement de la CPTS Ondaine-Forez et objectifs de santé pour le territoire

The CPTS Ondaine-Forez, 6th Territorial Health Professional Community in the Loire is launched this Wednesday, December 13, 2023 following the signing of the contract between the Health Insurance of the Loire, the Regional Health Agency Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and the association carrying the project.


It brings together a population of 84,466 inhabitants spread over 25 municipalities: Aboën, Caloire, Chenereilles, Firminy, Saint-Maurice-en-Gourgois, Aurec-sur-Loire, Malvalette, Pont-Salomon, Rozie-Côtes-d’Aurec, Fraisses, Saint-Paul-en-Cornillon, Unieux, Périgneux, Luriecq, Marols, Saint-Ferréol-d’Auroure, Saint-Just-Malomont, Le Chambon-Feugerolles, La Ricamarie, Saint-Romain-les-Atheux, La Chapelle-d’Aurec, la Tourette, Saint-Bonnet-le-Château, Saint-Nizier-de-Fornas and Saint-Genest-Malifaux.


It allows the department of Loire to reach 90% coverage of the Ligurian territory by a CPTS. The objective now is to achieve 100% coverage. For this, exchanges continue with healthcare professionals in the Pilat region in particular.


What is a territorial professional health community (CPTS)?


A CPTS is a territorial organization in which healthcare professionals work together to improve the health of the population. Established at their initiative, this local cooperation makes it easier and more effective to address common issues and specific needs within the same territory.


The CPTS Ondaine-Forez


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Led by its co-presidents, Mrs. Gladys LAURIE (Pharmacist) and Dr. Anne PLAGNARD (Physician), the CPTS Ondaine-Forez brings together various liberal healthcare professionals, and involves hospital facilities, health centers and houses, as well as other healthcare actors (associations, etc.).


Serving nearly 85,000 inhabitants, it intends to continue implementing actions already initiated by the association and meeting the needs of patients and the expectations of healthcare professionals in the territory:


  • Access to care: Most of the doctors in the CPTS area have a very large patient base. However, 2% of people over 16 years of age do not have a doctor in this area.

To address this issue, the CPTS will work on 4 pillars:


  1. Keeping the patient base of general practitioners “treating physician” up to date,

  3. Establishing an inventory of the possibilities for welcoming new patients by doctors in the area,

  5. Priority care for patients without a treating physician (Patients on Long-Term Leave),

  7. Setting up teams around the treating physician (Promotion of medical assistants and IPA),

  9. Organizing the establishment of the care access service in the territory.

  • Facilitate the patient’s medical journey: Work on the City – Hospital link with a focus on the heart failure pathway.

  • Develop prevention actions: The CPTS will work on the diabetic patient pathway, the territory’s figures showing a prevalence higher than the national rate for this pathology.

  1. Development of territorial prevention actions,

  3. Limitation of complications related to diabetes through better interprofessional communication,

  5. Organization of awareness campaigns to improve the lifestyle of patients,

  7. Support for healthcare professionals in the territory to facilitate interprofessional exchanges with the various healthcare structures in the territory (hospitals, associations, etc.).

The CPTS Ondaine Forez will therefore focus its prevention actions on diabetes. However, it does not limit itself to this pathology and aims to contribute to the improvement of cancer screenings and vaccination coverage.


  • Writing a plan in preparation for the occurrence of a health crisis: A reflection will be produced by the CPTS to consider the implications of a health crisis on the organization of outpatient medicine. The last health crisis highlighted the need to anticipate the organization of care in the event of an exceptional situation that could significantly disrupt care demand.

A project supported by Health Insurance and the Regional Health Agency


Signing the tripartite contract on December 13 with Health Insurance and the Regional Health Agency Auvergne Rhône-Alpes allows the CPTS to benefit from funding to deploy its actions and implement its health project.


Health Insurance of the Loire has provided assistance of €248,875 for the first year of activity of the CPTS. This financial support covers two aspects: the first contributes to the operation of the professional community itself, the second finances the actions carried out as part of the missions entrusted to it.


The Regional Health Agency has provided assistance of €15,000 to support the development and deployment of the health project.


The signatories undertake to meet twice a year during “management dialogue” meetings to assess the results and support the promoters in finding solutions.




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2023-12-14 10:49:20


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