Nouvelles Du Monde

Double Discrimination: The Plight of Kurds and Alevi in Turkey after EarthquakeNote: This is a suggested title for SEO optimization purposes.Emre, a 23-year-old Kurd and Alevi from Pazarcik, Kahramanmaras province in Turkey, lost everything in the earthquake that shook southeast Turkey on February 6. Since then, he has been living in an improvised tent and facing discrimination due to his double identity. In this article, France 24 reports on the discrimination faced by Kurds and Alevis in Turkey, their hopes for change in the upcoming elections, and the possibility of restarting the peace process.

Double Discrimination: The Plight of Kurds and Alevi in Turkey after EarthquakeNote: This is a suggested title for SEO optimization purposes.Emre, a 23-year-old Kurd and Alevi from Pazarcik, Kahramanmaras province in Turkey, lost everything in the earthquake that shook southeast Turkey on February 6. Since then, he has been living in an improvised tent and facing discrimination due to his double identity. In this article, France 24 reports on the discrimination faced by Kurds and Alevis in Turkey, their hopes for change in the upcoming elections, and the possibility of restarting the peace process.

Étant kurde et alévi, je subis de la discrimination à cause de cette double identité. Emre, un étudiant de 23 ans, en témoigne alors qu’il vit dans une tente de fortune à Pazarcik après avoir tout perdu lors d’un tremblement de terre. Ayse Varose, une Kurde alévie de 75 ans, qui subit également des discriminations, prévoit de voter pour le Parti démocratique des peuples (HDP) lors des élections législatives du 14 mai. Les Kurdes qui représentent 15 à 20 millions de personnes ont des attentes élevées quant à la présidence d’Erdogan, mais ils sont actuellement victimes de discrimination. La majorité des Kurdes soutient le HDP qui veut plus d’égalité et de la fin des discriminations. Cependant, certains appréhendent une nouvelle victoire du président Erdogan.


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