Nouvelles Du Monde

Bombardier Défense s’allie à General Dynamics Mission Systems–Canada pour remporter le contrat de remplacement des avions de surveillance de l’armée canadienne face à Boeing.

Bombardier Défense s’allie à General Dynamics Mission Systems–Canada pour remporter le contrat de remplacement des avions de surveillance de l’armée canadienne face à Boeing.

OTTAWA – Bombardier Defence, disappointed that the federal government has not yet issued a competitive tender to replace military surveillance aircraft, is partnering with General Dynamics Mission Systems-Canada to persuade Ottawa not to exclude the aerospace industry. “Bombardier and several other Canadian companies are disappointed that the Government of Canada has not yet opened a fair, transparent and competitive procurement process,” said Arevig Afarian, a spokesperson for the Quebec-based aircraft manufacturer. For some months now, National Defence Minister Anita Anand has been courting Boeing, which is offering to sell the Canadian Armed Forces 14 P-8 Poseidon surveillance aircraft that would replace the aging CP-140 Aurora fleet that must be retired as of 2030. The replacement contract for the aircraft, which have been in service since 1980, is worth more than $5 billion.
#Bombardier #lève #pour #convaincre #Défense #canadienne #pas #favoriser #Boeing


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