Nouvelles Du Monde

Annonces sur la lutte contre les feux de forêt en Gironde : présence de Canadair et renforcement des moyens

Annonces sur la lutte contre les feux de forêt en Gironde : présence de Canadair et renforcement des moyens

Le département de la Gironde a récemment annoncé des moyens supplémentaires pour améliorer la qualité de vie des habitants. Parmi les initiatives présentées, on retrouve des mesures en faveur de la mobilité douce, de la protection de l’environnement, ainsi que des projets pour renforcer la solidarité et favoriser l’accès à la culture pour tous. Dans cet article, nous allons passer en revue les différentes actions mises en place par le département et analyser leur impact sur la vie quotidienne des girondins.

During a visit to Gironde department in southwestern France, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin and Minister of Ecology Christophe Béchu announced a series of measures to increase the French firefighting capabilities in forested areas. One of the main responses announced is the national regulation that requires the reduction of the amount of flammable material and debris within 50 meters of forested areas that border buildings. Another is the increase in aviation resources to tackle forest fires, including the deployment of nine additional firefighting vehicles, four fire-fighting planes of the Air Tractor type, and the acquisition of two large helicopters. Among the other measures announced are the improvement of air support for firefighters, such as the establishment of a “delayed intervention detachment” in the southwestern area, and allowing the use of military personnel and equipment by firefighters during critical situations. In 2022, more than 32,000 hectares of forests were burnt in the region, and politicians have been demanding an improved response to the increasing risks of forest fires.


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