Nouvelles Du Monde

Avast condamné à une amende de 16,5 millions de dollars pour vente illégale de données personnelles

Avast condamné à une amende de 16,5 millions de dollars pour vente illégale de données personnelles

Avast, the antivirus editor, has been fined $16.5 million for illegally selling confidential user data for advertising purposes.

During the period from 2014 to 2020, Avast collected user browsing data through its antivirus and browser extension, gathering sensitive information such as religious beliefs, health issues, political opinions, location, and financial situation. This data was permanently stored and sold to over 100 third parties without the consent of the customers.

Despite Avast’s justifications claiming to have removed identifying data before the sale, U.S. judicial authorities found that the company had not sufficiently anonymized browsing data, revealing unique identifiers and specific details about users’ online activities.

This case has a significant impact on Avast’s reputation as a provider of anti-malware software, calling into question its commitment to protecting the privacy of its users. In addition to the fine it must pay, Avast is now prohibited from selling any user data for advertising purposes. Furthermore, Avast is required to inform customers whose data has been disclosed to third parties. Some software users can therefore expect to receive notifications and apologies from the company in the near future.

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