Nouvelles Du Monde

Kondree : Prise en charge personnalisée du stress oxydant pour les patients atteints de Myopathie FSH et au-delà

Kondree : Prise en charge personnalisée du stress oxydant pour les patients atteints de Myopathie FSH et au-delà

Kondree is a start-up created with the aim of industrializing and exploiting a unique know-how in the world, carried by Professor Dalila Laoudj-Chenivesse. This company focuses on personalized management of oxidative stress in patients with FSH Myopathy, based on adjusted supplementation in vitamins and trace elements with biological analysis specific to each patient.

And Kondree firstly aims to make this innovation accessible throughout the world, it also aims to expand its field of expertise to other pathologies associated with oxidative stress.

Along with Professor Dalila Laoudj Chenivesse, teacher-researcher (PHYMEDEXP) and Claire Lefranc, president CEO of Kondree, focus on the correlation between oxidative stress and the development of certain pathologies.

Professor Laoudj, can you explain the genesis of the project?

20 years ago, during my post-doctoral studies at the Généthon, the scientific director of the AFM proposed that I lead a project on Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSH). FSH Myopathy is a hereditary muscle disease characterized by progressive muscle weakness, usually in the face, arms, and scapular belt. FSH is caused by genetic abnormalities that lead to progressive muscle degeneration. Symptoms vary from person to person, sometimes limiting their mobility and ability to perform daily tasks.

Since 2005, my research group’s own data points strongly to the involvement of oxidative stress . Indeed, our work has shown in particular that most patients systemically exhibited a deficiency in certain vitamins and trace elements associated with an increase in oxidative damage, significantly correlated with alterations in the muscle function of FSHD patients.

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The identification of these potential therapeutic targets led to a randomized double-blind clinical trial aimed at evaluating the effects of these vitamins and trace elements in 53 FSHD patients for 17 weeks in the Department of Clinical Physiology of Prof. J. Mercier at the Montpellier University Hospital. This trial thus showed a significant increase in the strength of the quadriceps, the impairment of which is considered a marker of disease severity, correlated with a decrease in oxidative stress and an increase in antioxidant defenses in patients.

These improvements are also associated with an increase in muscle mass and quality, a reduction in fat mass, as well as an improvement in the ability to perform daily tasks. However, this trial also highlighted the need to adjust antioxidant doses. Also, my research group and the clinical team of Professor J. Mercier with Dr. F. Portet, neurologist, set up a specialized and personalized consultation in the context of routine care at the Montpellier University Hospital in 2015 in order to analyze the long-term effects of taking these vitamins and trace elements adjusted to each patient’s specific analyses. More than 200 patients have followed this care. At the end of this study, a decision tree was developed and patented, allowing the customization of antioxidant supplementation for patients based on their biological analyses.

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What are the results of this supplementation in vitamins and trace elements on patients with FSH Myopathy?

Data obtained in the context of routine care show a significant increase in quadriceps strength and muscle mass, an overall improvement in quality of life, allowing some patients to continue their professional activity under better conditions or even for some to return to work.

Madam Lefranc, how does the medical device developed by Kondree allow the personalized management of oxidative stress in patients with FSH Myopathy?

The company Kondree has been assigned the intellectual property of Professor Laoudj’s discoveries through SATT AxLR.

Together, we are developing a unique expertise consisting of adapting the dosage of antioxidant supplementation on a case-by-case basis based on patients’ blood results. For this, Kondree offers both software (digital medical device) to support practitioners in personalized and adjusted prescription, as well as a range of specific antioxidant molecules to meet the adjusted prescriptions.

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The difference between our antioxidant molecules marketed under the Ogynutrition brand and traditional dietary supplements lies in the relevance of our dosages. These are adjusted in vitamins and trace elements for targeted, personalized, and optimal efficacy, to avoid potential overdosing. All controlled by a healthcare practitioner based on biological assessments.

What are Kondree’s objectives today?

FSH Myopathy is the first therapeutic area covered by our expertise. Our challenge is to transpose our methodology developed for FSH Myopathy to new therapeutic areas. Very soon, with the support and collaboration of Professor Laoudj-Chenivesse’s team, we will launch a new research program on aging.

For each new therapeutic area, research and clinical development phases are necessary to identify potential therapeutic targets involved in oxidative stress, evaluate the effects of antioxidant supplementation, and develop a decision tree specific to each disease to adjust dosages.

We are initiating a first fundraising very soon and are looking for investment funds to open our unique expertise to new therapeutic areas, which are potentially numerous: cancer, aging, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, allergies, hypertension…

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2023-11-24 13:02:05


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