Nouvelles Du Monde

Semaine nationale de la dénutrition : Sensibilisation et actions au GHBS

Semaine nationale de la dénutrition : Sensibilisation et actions au GHBS

What is malnutrition and what are the risk factors?

Malnutrition occurs when caloric and protein needs are not met due to deficiencies in intake or excessive energy expenditure. Often, the two are associated. The diagnostic criteria are: weight loss, low body mass index (BMI), loss of strength or muscle mass associated with a cause. Malnutrition can occur in the context of a disease, such as anorexia nervosa (deficiency of intake), cancer, organ failure (excessive energy expenditure), among others. Socially disadvantaged groups are more affected by malnutrition.

Why talk about it?

During National Malnutrition Week, our goal is to raise awareness among the general public and healthcare professionals from other specialties to promote screening. In hospitals, malnutrition affects 20 to 40% of patients, but only 3 to 4% are screened. Too often, malnutrition is taken as a fait accompli. However, weight loss must be addressed: if malnutrition is allowed to develop, it can lead to complications, including risks of falls, nosocomial infections for hospitalized patients, bedsores, among others, regardless of the initial disease.

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What have you implemented this week at GHBS?

We organized, on Thursday, November 9, 2023, in the establishments of the Bretagne Sud Hospital Group, a malnutrition prevalence survey and we plan to repeat it every year to monitor its evolution. Information points have been set up in the reception halls and care units. This lunchtime, at the Scorff hospital cafeteria, healthcare workers were treated to a tasting of products enriched in protein or fat to combat the prejudice that enriched products are not good.

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2023-11-10 21:14:01


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