Nouvelles Du Monde

Title: “Vladimir Poutine s’engage à injecter 90 millions de dollars pour réduire la dette des pays africains”

Title: “Vladimir Poutine s’engage à injecter 90 millions de dollars pour réduire la dette des pays africains”

During the recent second edition of the Russia-Africa Summit, held in Saint Petersburg, Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated his commitment to the African continent.

He promised to inject an impressive amount of $90 million to help alleviate the overwhelming debt burden faced by many African countries.

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During his speech at the plenary meeting on Friday, July 28, 2023, the Kremlin leader made it clear that Russia is a key player in efforts to relieve African countries’ debt. Highlighting previous achievements, he stated that Russia had already canceled debts totaling $23 billion. This new promise of an additional $90 million is intended to accelerate development on the African continent.

This major summit saw the participation of 49 African countries. The impressive gathering featured not only 17 heads of state but also vice presidents, prime ministers, and foreign affairs ministers. This act of solidarity from Russia towards Africa sends a strong signal to the international community about the importance of supporting the economic development of the continent.

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